Axio Learning / K-State Online
by Matt CholickNow that I'm moving on, I thought I'd toss up a quick overview of the system I've spent most of my time on. For several years, I've been working on Axio Learning: a home grown learning management system that supports a campus of nearly 24,000 students.
During heavy usage times, we would see 13,000 students active in the system over the course of single day. During finals week, 20,000 students would access content in almost 3,000 courses. While I was working on the system, it was critical to the university's teaching mission.
Working on software with such a long lifespan and commit history has taught me a very real appreciation for code quality and sound initial design. During the time I was technical lead, much of our the development focused on upgrading our technology stack to a more modern set of tools. We moved from legacy EJB 2.1 to EJB 3 in modern containers and upgraded the web tier from Struts 1 to Struts 2 all while improving and enhancing the system.